The Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems (KPH, University College of Christian Churches of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems) uses our video conference system BigBlueButton for over 3,500 students and 500 teachers and has held over 18,100 hours of video conferences within 6 months.
The KPH was looking for a simple and easy-to-integrate video conferencing solution. Above all, data security, scalability and the ability to connect to existing systems, such as the LMS Moodle, was of importance.
Fast Deployment of BigBlueButton
We were able to deploy an appropriate setup with GDPR-compliant servers in the EU within a short time. In the first half of 2021, KPH has accumulated over 11,000 sessions with a total duration of 18,100 hours. During peak times, over 100 sessions were taking place daily.
Fast Upscaling
A further important aspect was the dynamic adaptability of capacities, as a short-term upscaling was necessary. Within a few hours, we were able to multiply the capacities via load balancing to ensure smooth operation.
KPH has therefore been able to continue its teaching operations without interruption even during the COVID pandemic.
Our Client: Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems,

Our Task: Provision of a secure and stable video conferencing service with BigBlueButton and integration into the LMS Moodle of KPH.
Implementation Period: 2020 ongoing
Further projects with KPH Vienna/Krems: Provision of LMS Moodle for the entire KPH University