We have developed an Online Trainer program for the German Chamber of Foreign Trade in Azerbaijan. It has seven learning modules for online training and tutoring with a total of 60 hours of learning time. During 2020/21 it was carried out in four different countries (Azerbaijan, Ukraine, South Africa and Peru) with over 40 participants.
Experienced face-to-face trainers built up their practical competencies in online training during these sessions and put them to use immediately.
This program is oriented towards practical learning. Each participant helps develop their own online course, which grows with each new module. The following aspects were of particular importance:
Sustainability through reusing content: The program allows a reuse of the course for your own AHK sub-organization to train your respective trainers. All created program content is published royalty-free under the CC BY license and available as Open Educational Recource (OER). A manual for trainers and students is also provided which enables the program to be supplied to other organizations.
Digitisation: Participants get a broad picture of digitisation during training and can use the course to digitise their own teaching concepts and courses throughout the training.
Practically orientated: A lot of space is given to the exchange of experiences and practical exercises during the OTP. For example, a separate Sandbox course is provided to each attendee allowing every participant to create their own course.
Innovative course concept "Flipped Classroom": Flipped classroom means a reversal of the classic “face-to-face presentation” and “homework”. During the virtual video conference sessions, practical examples and participant questions are discussed in addition to input. The actual implementation of the Sandbox course development then takes place in between the sessions.
The online trainer program includes a total of 60 hours of learning time with a maximum of 12 participants per course.
This is the module overview:
- Module 1 - Kickoff
- Module 2 - Content
- Module 3 - Education technology tools (LMS..)
- Module 4 - Communication during online training
- Module 5 - Support during online training
- Module 6 - Evaluation and assessment
- Module 7 - Completion
Online-Trainer (AHK) – our response to the pandemic. The course enables trainers, lecturers and teachers within companies and educational institutions to carry out their training online in the future.
Dr. Magnus Müller, Head of Vocational Education & Training, German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce
The Client: German Chamber of Foreign Trade Azerbaijan, Ukraine, South Africa and Peru

Our Task: Development and implementation of training, provision of digital training environment.
Implementation Period: 2020/21

Sponsored by Business Scouts for Development