Interactive videos are particularly suitable for immersing players in a topic and helping them identify with a fictional character to better understand their situation. This not only applies to apprenticeship seekers, but can also be applied in various in-house areas, such as compliance or safety at work.
CatchYourJob builds digital relationships between the Association for Youth Coaching in.come and young people by playfully introducing them to the topic of job hunting after compulsory schooling.
Questions such as "What do I want to do?", "What is an apprenticeship?", "How do I get a traineeship" or " Where can I find out about different professions?" are often a major hurdle for both young people and their parents alike. For various reasons this often leads to adolescents not finding an apprenticeship.
Not every adolescent can be reached with youth coaching.
A good example of supporting young people in their search for an apprenticeship are youth coaches and youth work assistants. They work individually with the target group, know what problems adolescents are facing and can respond to their personal needs and wishes. However, not all adolescents can be attended to.
CatchYourJob brings you closer to your target group
CatchYourJob is intended to support more young people through timely digital implementation.
Thanks to the pleasant and empathetic project support from the think modular team, we were able to implement CatchYourJob according to our ideas. Above all, the consulting and implementation competence in the fields of didactics, production and technology convinced us of their abilities and we can therefore recommend think modular as a project partner for any digitisation project."
Markus Eichinger, youth coach and project manager for" CatchYourJob", association in.come
Customer: in.come Association for the Integration of People with Disadvantages, funded by the AK Digitalisierungsfond

Our Task: Overall production, implementation and application operation of the platform.
Implementation period: from 2019 in cooperation with BK Films and Spaces and common sense